Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to get a 10 on your essay

While writing this (read copy/paste) i try to wrap my brain around on what we are supposed to learn at this class but a wise man once said "good things come to those who wait" so i will sit here,bide my time and then throw all the sticks and stones at them

Reading works of prominent writers we think that writing comes to them as if by magic touch. The right words just jump down onto paper from their heads, elegant sentences are formed instantly by themselves. All the writer has to do is just to write it all down. We regard writing as some innate gift given to the few. That is why most of us are too critical and unfair to ourselves when we judge our own writing. In fact, writing like any skill can be acquired if you are ready to work hard, be persistent and patient. is here to show you how to write better.
Basically we have designed our site for college students, but this information will be helpful for all people seeking advice on writing. Here you can find many useful tips on writing that will help you avoid most common pitfalls and refine your writing style. Our site provides you with a comprehensive guide to writing different types of essays and makes difficult things easy for you.
Our essay guide explains all the intricacies and details of essay writing process from drawing up plans to editing your final draft. Whether you don�t know how to start writing the essay or you want to find out how you should complete it has advice on every issue concerning essay writing process.
Our guide will become your reliable companion and consultant in composing various kinds of essays. You will learn how to present your thoughts and ideas on the paper, how to sound authoritative and convincing, in brief how to become a better writer. We have pursued one more goal building up this site � we want you to like writing and view it as a pleasant and thought-stimulating activity.

Writing is like a journey: you start with a blank sheet of paper and what appears on it in the end of the trip depends only on you. You should go through every stage of essay writing process described in this guide to write the essay that:
  • is focused;
  • is logical;
  • is clear;
  • is well-structured;
  • is deeply-argumentative;
  • grabs the reader's interest from the first lines;
  • does not pad;
  • provides illustrative evidence;
  • gives credits to sources.
This journey may take a long time and be challenging at times, but do not step back. Our guide will be a constant beacon lightening your path as you proceed.

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