Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Death penalty for wikileaks supporter

“take a look at why Army Analyst Bradley Manning deserves nothing short of the death penalty due to the deaths he has caused”
Kevin Webb a marine and a blogger thinks Manning has committed treason with  the sharing of classified
Private Bradley Manning caused quite an uproar when he leaked 90.000 files of classified  information to wikileaks a page that is committed to expose the secrets of the war and oppose it.
All of the leaked pages are SIGACT (significant action in the war) and according to US officials are said to contain delicate information in the wrong hands such as names and residence of people who helped the US troops or location and secret identity of agents.
Manning was arrested in July 5, 2010 and charged for “transferring classified date onto his personal computer and adding unauthorized software to a classified computer system”
Many of his fellow within the army such as Kevin Webb think he should be subject to the death penatly for treason,also because they belive that this leak will put their lives in danger as locals might be more reluctant to share information on terrorist units opperating within the Iraqi/Afghanistan border.
Manning had a hard time growing up in Oklahoma and walkes for he was homosexual and supposedly had strong ideas on politics and religion at a very young age. He turned to a group of friends wich included his boyfriend and a team of computer hackers when he revealed to Adriam Lamo  of those hackers that he was planning on releasing the documents Lamo reported him to US officials saying his conciousness would not allow this to happen.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Short stories and death

Ahhhh yes time for another intresting world changing blog (no sarcasm intended)

I started by googling fantasy short stories since i wanted to have some different results (and yes im geek who'd a thunk?) and this was one of the first one i came up with wich i thougt was hillarious and quite original                  The losing of Mr Brook
Bookmarked this site for later checking if they have more of such funky stuff

Read This one in a random google and friggin loved it
pretty sure its about dreams and the magic they work on us wonder how/why the classify this is a fantasy story

I started googling some random things with short stories in them and came across this short story by Neil Gaiman (for those of you who dont know him hes one of the best damn authors out there) he is the author of the discworld series,stardust and some more amazing things but what really caught me first was the title and when i saw it was by Mr Gaiman i had to read it
It left me horrendously baffled like much of his writin does and while ive only read the thing once and the only thing im on to so far is that the girls are concepts in our world....or aliens
hate that guy for reminding me im not the sharpest knife in the drawer

Wikipedia short stories

This was my next stop since i needed to learn a bit more about the form of writing short stories and essentially its a form of stories that have developed since we didnt really have alot of writing material
In this train of thougt i think that short stories will die with the youngest generatin of today for no better reason then i think it might become obsolete
but people said that television would kill raidio that torrent would kill movie theathers and that mankind would degenerate into mice with the stupidity if generations of today but wich Sugata Mitra has proven is false

I read alot (2-3 books a month) so audio books have never been my thing so i decided to skip that part mostly because i dont like how audio books give us the impression of how the reader thougt the characters were and not allowing me to form my own (thoug the good soldier Sveikj on icelandic was preety good)

 All in all i like short stories even thoug i think they will die out and like to read them once in a while but they almost always leave me unsatisfied since i think character devolepment is almost always the biggest part of most stories

Signing off

HAHA fooled ya!
anyways. yai addition

In the time of starting this writing im going to listen to the audio version of the "how to talk to girls at parties" wich is linked above.
I go into this with a grin on my face and trying to like it but my immedieta dissatisfaction of listening to audio books since as ive said before i hate the way the reader of the story/book puts emphasis on the things i disagree with (propably means my social skills are in the gutter) i like to put my own heart in the characters as only i understand them and they put emphasis on words and talk like those characters
anyways sounds like im repeating the same things

came across this site in my travels since Mr Gaiman's short story is leaving my brain in the state of congealed soup. like the 2-3 other audio sites ive landed on it either requires a download or money
the bastards!

ive come to a conclusion
Mr Gaiman's story is about aliens visiting earth
no more talk of that story

Another site i came across in my travels when i went far from the 20 first googles think this was one was on page 7-10 and it offers A bunch of sites with free audio books

The Lottery Is a short story by Shirley Jackson that i really liked and it has been televises made into a ballet and put on a mp3 file,
its pretty short(duh) and shows the level of violence that has been in our society since ancient times and on many levels both literal and....under the surface? still rages in full strength in some as i would like to call them unevolved parts of the world and yes people might take this as a racist slur but its present in the westren world to (southern US,Iceland,souther part of Italy) to name a few where it still rages quite violently

I'l admit im starting to stretch this blog a bit so im gonna cut its life support here
Making a new conclusion after this addition is hard unless i start talking about the short story that will not be named.

So signing off again THIS TIME FOR REALZ!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The next step towards the evoloution of humanity?

We have to evolve this is a fact.

As a species we have come a long way during our time on this planet but we have to go even farther.
while i watched Sugata's Mitra video i did not per say realise this but was reminded of it for it has been my belief for a long time.

By evolving/advancing our education system first  of all we might change the most and fastest for the more ducated people we have the faster we will attain the technologies we need to ascend to the stars so to speak.

The question raised that the video left is that can we have fully educated young people much faster then what we considered normal?
YES! WE! CAN!. the "super geniuses" we have that are much younger and much smarter then what is considered avarage and should not be avoided as is prone to be done in some cases.
We should take greater care in searching for such young people and teaching them fast to make them the people that will make our evolution that much faster, by all the stars we need it.

Similarly what we also need in technilogical and educational advances we also need in thinking and i found this concept of every person beeing able to attain nirvana quite fasinating since if we could we would have untold mastery of our own bodies and if you are ever going to to evolve you are going to need every tool avialable to you

In cinclusion i lack a word that describes the things we would be able to do if we attain these things but the best thing i can come up with is awesome

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to get a 10 on your essay

While writing this (read copy/paste) i try to wrap my brain around on what we are supposed to learn at this class but a wise man once said "good things come to those who wait" so i will sit here,bide my time and then throw all the sticks and stones at them

Reading works of prominent writers we think that writing comes to them as if by magic touch. The right words just jump down onto paper from their heads, elegant sentences are formed instantly by themselves. All the writer has to do is just to write it all down. We regard writing as some innate gift given to the few. That is why most of us are too critical and unfair to ourselves when we judge our own writing. In fact, writing like any skill can be acquired if you are ready to work hard, be persistent and patient. is here to show you how to write better.
Basically we have designed our site for college students, but this information will be helpful for all people seeking advice on writing. Here you can find many useful tips on writing that will help you avoid most common pitfalls and refine your writing style. Our site provides you with a comprehensive guide to writing different types of essays and makes difficult things easy for you.
Our essay guide explains all the intricacies and details of essay writing process from drawing up plans to editing your final draft. Whether you don�t know how to start writing the essay or you want to find out how you should complete it has advice on every issue concerning essay writing process.
Our guide will become your reliable companion and consultant in composing various kinds of essays. You will learn how to present your thoughts and ideas on the paper, how to sound authoritative and convincing, in brief how to become a better writer. We have pursued one more goal building up this site � we want you to like writing and view it as a pleasant and thought-stimulating activity.

Writing is like a journey: you start with a blank sheet of paper and what appears on it in the end of the trip depends only on you. You should go through every stage of essay writing process described in this guide to write the essay that:
  • is focused;
  • is logical;
  • is clear;
  • is well-structured;
  • is deeply-argumentative;
  • grabs the reader's interest from the first lines;
  • does not pad;
  • provides illustrative evidence;
  • gives credits to sources.
This journey may take a long time and be challenging at times, but do not step back. Our guide will be a constant beacon lightening your path as you proceed.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The rise of the blog king

  Hello world i have started my very first blog (very hippie like) for my english 503 class
                      you might want to read it otherwise this guy will come and kick your ass

These two articles are about how the internet has affected our writing and social life. it hardly suprised me that young people today write much more then the previous generations since we have alot more accsess to instant messaging and such a conversation that would take weeks via writing only takes a few moments with IM programs.

The new Literacy article made me smile for while i'm not a poet i write a bit in the form of fantasy characters and adventures wich are my biggest contribution to art (the only one propably) I´d be intrested to know how much there is off this on lower lvls such as in my own school, see how many hidden poets there are amongst my fellow adventurers of academic learning.

As a devout follower of the internet ever since i got my very first dial up when i was a youngster (about 10-12) and a fanatical video gamer it has been a communication tool and an information gatherer
and as the time has passed it has become a very big part of my life since i need it for almost all of my hobbies and also my studies as a programmer.

I hope to be become as awesome as this guy one day

Shees getting sidetracked here

My main question after reading these articles is if in a few years we will need a internet course in school as in to teach people how to google properly and use IM's and make secure passwords.

speaking of wich people should learn how to make propper a great idea if i ever need to speak in front of class one day

anyways signing of


p.s. links to the articles,1518,710139,00.html